Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Sugar Warehouse - Historical Timeline

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Port on the Sava river "Luka Brcko"
Warehouse - Ports Main Hangar Building

• December 10th 1941 - The entire Jewish community of 168 people in the small town of Brcko were either slaughtered or killed by hammers on the bridge. Their dead bodies were thrown into the Sava river. This massacre happened 100 meters from the Brcko Port.
• December 14th 1941 - Massacre of 236 Jewish refugees who had escaped from the Nazis in Austria and were coming from the Czech and Slovakia. They were all executed on the bank of Sava river, at Brcko Port, and their corpses were thrown into the river.
• After WWII Bosnia and Herzegovina became a part of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
• In 1973, due to increased trade on the river, a warehouse was built at the same place in Brcko Port where 236 Jewish refuges were killed.
• March 1st 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina announced independence from Yugoslavia, which leaded to civil war.
• May 7th, 1992 -- early July, 1992 - the port warehouse was turned into a war prison camp where hundreds of victims were brutally tortured, raped and killed.
• After the civil war ended in 1995 the warehouse was left empty for a while. In the 2000s, due to a strong wave of economic transition, local government authorities rented the warehouse to a
few different companies for the purpose of storage goods.
• Nowadays the warehouse is used by a private sugar refining company for storing stacks of sugar.

サヴァ河港 "ルカ ブルチコ"
倉庫 - 港の主要な格納庫

・1941年12月10日- ブルチコという小さな町の、168人から成る全ユダヤ人コミュニティーが橋の上でハンマーによって殺害された。彼らの死体はサヴァ河に投げ捨てられた。この大虐殺はブルチコの港から100メートルほどのところで起こった。
・1941年12月14日- オーストリアにおけるナチスの迫害から逃れたチェコやスロバキア
・1992年3月1日- ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナがユーゴスラビアからの独立を宣言し、内戦を引き起こした。

・1992年3月7日~1992年7月上旬 - 港の倉庫は戦争捕虜収容所となり、そこでは何百人も犠牲者が容赦なく拷問にかけられ、強姦され、殺害された。